Thursday, August 26, 2021


Today in Online Learning Phil came into our call to teach us about Labels and about the Blog Battle. It was very useful.  

Tuesday, March 30, 2021


For the last few weeks we had Careers which was where a teacher took a few students and learned about a career. My Career is Science. For Science we had to make an ice ball and this was some of the ice balls we made...

Do you think that a scientist is an important role in the community?

Kind Regards,


Wednesday, March 24, 2021


 Today for Cyber-smart we had to do missions for the google race and we each had separate slides with instructions to do each mission. This is my Personal Slide.

We also had to do a Animation using google slides and this is mine.

Thursday, March 18, 2021


Hey Bloggers! For Cyber smart we had to make a line in this bingo card but instead of numbers we had to screenshot specific things and put it in the square. I finished my card and here it is...

It was very fun and an amazing experience. 

We also had to make a video of a tour of our Class Site and this is my video...

Kind Regards, 
Bye Bloggers.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Cybersmart Passwords

Today we had to roll two dice and it correspond to words. And we had to act like it was our password and we had to make our password more secure and safe.

I have learnt that passwords are the only defense from a stranger and your private information. So it is always good to have a strong password so it is more defensive against people trying to get into your account.

It is very easy switching letters for numbers. Examples...
o = 0 
i = 1
a = @
e = 3
s = $
and many more...
I hope this helps you...

I have learnt that the easier the password to remember the easier to get your password. So it is always better to add Adding Symbols, Numbers and Capital letters. 

Here is an example of a safe password...

Kind Regards,

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Digital Cybersmart Poster

 This is my poster for the Digital Dig. I Hope you ENJOY!

Digital Dig

 Hey Bloggers, We had to do a digital dig. I Hope you ENJOY!

Thursday, February 18, 2021


 Hey there bloggers, Its Thurday Week 3 Term 1 and we have had cybersmart. We had to do a Create Task and this is mine. I hope you likeit. Enjoy!